I have amazing nieces and nephews. Jared Strawderman, shown here surfing at the Outer Banks of North Carolina, is no exception. The Columbia River Gorge Refuge Stewards just honored him with an article about his service as their Stewardship & Community Engagement Coordinator.
As a little boy, Jared was quiet and unassuming, but very curious. He would observe and not say a whole lot. When he was really little, his big brother, Logan (an uber-nephew in his own right!), would actually speak for him.
Jared grew up in the Boy Scotts ultimately becoming an Eagle Scout. When he was in high school he discovered photography and loved watching and taking pictures of birds. He and his wife, Nicole love to travel, surf, and hike with their little boy, Simon. The article tells the story of Jared’s life journey, so I won’t repeat it here.
His parents, Joan (my sister) and Steve (my bro-in-law), were both public servants. Joan was in law enforcement; Steve was in Fire & EMS. They instilled in both their sons the idea of servant leadership.
Jared is coming into his own as leader, father, husband, outdoorsman, and an incredible photographer. I’m so proud of him!